
Wednesday 12 September 2012

Infections and Delays

3rd cycle of chemo started really well.  I had my day 1 chemo with the Herceptin and Zometa, rested for a couple of days and then made the most of the week ready for my day 8 chemo.  Day 8 chemo came and went, felt bloody fab, so much so that I went along to a wedding reception on the Saturday evening just 2 days after and stayed up till early hours or should I say late hours of the morning drinking my favourite tipple of wine. And I have to add here that I looked bloody good in my blonde hair and slinky sexy number that I wore, not one to blow one’s own trumpet but hey someone’s gotta do it. 
Monday 26th August is where things started to go wrong.  I woke up feeling a little tender around my reconstruction on the right side (my breast cancer side) as the day went on, my boobie started to go a little red and a little hot.  My temperature was normal but I decided that I would pop my head in to see my breast nurse the following day after my pain management appointment at the Hospice, before heading up the motorway 60 miles to visit my mum for a couple of days.
As soon as my nurse saw me, she did the whole blood pressure and temperature thing and gathered lots of blood from my port to be sent for testing From there I was seen by an oncologist who then sent me over to the breast clinic to see my (plastic surgeon) breast doctor, who then sent me for an ultra sound and before I knew myself what was happening, I was in private isolated room in a hospital bed with a drip going into me along with lots of intravenous antibiotics.   I was infected; but goodness knows where or how I’d picked up the infection.  On top of that I was also told I was Neutropenic. “Whats that then” I asked.. you would think by now they would stop using all these technical terms cos I just don’t know what they mean and even after they explain, I forget,  hence me telling people for a couple of days I was neurotic.   Anyway neutropenic, the correct word, is where the white blood cells are really low and it affects the body’s ability to fight off any infections.   I was put on nil by mouth and on the surgery list for the following morning depending on how I responded to the antibiotics through the night, at which point I was now on IV an aural anti’s, and had lovely black marker drawn all over my boob to measure where the redness and swelling was.  I escaped surgery on the Wednesday morning as the redness and heat radiating from it seemed to be fading, only to be put back onto fasting and the surgery list for the Thursday morning as the heat and redness starting up again.  I escaped surgery once more.
After 5 days of being isolated from anyone with infections, and receiving Intravenous antibiotics I was allowed to go home with some aural anti-biotics.  Mr Boobie Doc still warned me that surgery may be required but fingers crossed we had caught the infection in time.  I was seen a couple of days later and issued another 2 weeks of antibiotics to keep on top of the infection, still at this point, hopefully avoiding surgery.  Chemo was postponed and by now I was wishing that they had just took me into theatre on the same day as the infection was found because at least I could be having chemo and killing squatters and be back to how I was before all this infection stuff started.  The antibiotics gave me thrush, so had more antibiotics shoved down my throat for that and then I plummeted down with energy levels, couldn’t eat and was only useful at making the sofa untidy, or using up all the Kleenex and toilet roll in the house from my constant over emotional tear ducts.  All I wanted to do was sleep.
My breast doctor, who has been keeping a close eye on me, said that the antibiotics would make me tired and gave me a talking to about eating properly.  Easier said than done, when just the thought of eating something makes you feel sick.  I was living on glasses of milk and driving Lee mad as he was trying to tempt me with every delight available, such as pizza, Chinese and Indian, my favourite cousin.  He even failed with attempting me with even worse junk food (my favourite) crisps and chocolate.  I was put on protein drinks I counted the days away until the last of my antibiotics were taken.  As if on cue, I started to pick up just in time for my next CT Scan and Oncology appointment.  I was out sitting in the garden soaking up as much vitamin D as possible and having some nice quality time with Lee, Luke and the Dogs.  I was managing to keep awake for more than an hour at a time and this was a massive improvement.
The bruises from the previous CT Scan hadn’t healed enough and so doing something that were not supposed to do, opted to go for the side that I’d had all my lymph nodes removed.  We hit jackpot first time with a nice small but juicy vein that probably got the biggest shock in its life since it hasn’t been used are even acknowledged for 5 yrs. 
With the Antibiotics finished but still feeling quite tired, I told Lee that I thought maybe I would be better off delaying chemo for another week.  I didn’t feel ready and after talking to my breast nurse whilst taking all my bloods etc... She tended to agree.  I had it all sorted in my mind, I was going to take control of my treatment but then all of that went out of the window as I got carried away with my Mr Nice oncologist and my CT Results.  I didn’t expect much this time with missing a cycle of chemo, but to my relief, the cancer is still stable, with a bit of question mark as to whether there has been a reduction or not.  This depends on how the radiologist measures, as each one has their own way of doing it.  Saying that I am pretty chuffed that the cancer is at the very least stable with no change and not grown any.  Mr Lovely oncologist checked my now non-infected boob, reeled off what the plan was going to be which included to prescribe a daily injection to boost my white blood cells for 7 days after my day 1 infusion and then followed by 7 days of anti-biotics starting from my day 8 infusion to make sure I didn’t have a repeat performance of developing neutropenia and infection.  That was it, all sorted and before I knew it I was out of the door smiling, almost standing upright and looking forward to chemo tomorrow.
So much for me taking control!  Part of me still feels that I would benefit from another week off treatment, but another part of me is saying ‘get on with it and get some squatters squashed’.  I am left wondering how much reduction I would have had ‘IF’ I’d had the full 2 cycles between my 6 weekly scans, so i’m on a race now to complete the next 2 cycles without any delays to see how much more cancer can be reduced.  I’m still tired, but hopefully the injections to boost my white blood cells will sort this out.  
My normal routing for the night before Chemo has always been to have a relaxing evening with a nice glass of wine.  I have been tea total for 3 wks now and even though my antibiotics have finished I don’t actually feel in a wine mood.  Maybe it’s because I’m still run down and tired or maybe it’s that little voice in my head saying ‘Don’t want a hangover’ I settled instead for a mug of milky Horlicks.


  1. Hope you enjoy all the Horlicks you want with no icky feelings.Happy about the stability!

  2. Nothing like a good horlicks at night Thandi to give you good ppeaxeful nights sleep. Like always; nothing can keep me down for long, getting stronger am more energy every day xxx


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